
Web 3.0 & the Future of AI: A Glimpse into the Decentralized World with Dr. Jianing Yu, Founder of UWEB

Eric Trie

Summary: Dr. Jianing Yu, Ph.D., a digital economist and renowned expert in blockchain, metaverse, and Web3 talked to BitpushNews  about his view on web3’s future in BitBlock Summit which was held in the beginning of June. Exploring the symbiotic relationship between AI and Web 3.0 formed the heart of this year's BitBlock Summit. Central to the ...

Dr. Jianing Yu, Ph.D., a digital economist and renowned expert in blockchain, metaverse, and Web3 talked to BitpushNews  about his view on web3’s future in BitBlock Summit which was held in the beginning of June.

Exploring the symbiotic relationship between AI and Web 3.0 formed the heart of this year's BitBlock Summit. Central to the discussions were questions of how Web 3.0 could potentially have accelerated AI advancements and could further democratize access to AI and the Web. Additional panel topics included the regulatory landscape in the US market for Web 3.0 startups and more in-depth exploration of the real-world implications of Web 3.0 technologies.

Dr Yu is Founder and president of UWEB, former President of Huobi University, and Executive Director of China Mobile Communications Association Metaverse Industry Committee. 

Bitpush: We are keen to learn about your journey into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency education. Can you share your initial experiences in this sector? Additionally, could you elaborate on your unique teaching philosophies that guide your educational approach?

Dr. Yu: In envisioning the future of education in the realm of crypto and blockchain, I founded Uweb (the University of Web 3). I firmly believe that education serves as the gateway to unlock the vast potential of the crypto and blockchain industries. It is imperative for individuals venturing into this field to acquire knowledge and skills, ranging from secure wallet usage to proper trading techniques.

At Uweb, we empower our students with the concepts of Blockchain functionality, the art of designing exceptional projects, constructing robust token economies, and establishing a crypto asset allocation model that strikes a harmonious balance between risk and return. Our vision is to cultivate a generation of trailblazers who will shape the future of decentralized technologies and redefine the boundaries of possibility.

In my perspective, I foresee a future where more than 1 billion individuals will embrace cryptocurrencies and utilize public blockchain networks. This realization leads me to believe that Web3.0 education possesses immense potential as a vast blue ocean market.

Bitpush: Could you share your vision for the future of the cryptocurrency industry? Specifically, how do you imagine its evolution over the next decade?

Dr. Yu: In the next ten years, I believe I will still be working in the field of Web3 education, just like Web3 are not only defined as the cryptocurrency, but it should also be the next generation of the Internet. So, lots of technology will be involved in this field, and people will have to keep learning some new technology and master new skills in the future.

And I believe everyone are facing the wave of AIGC (AI Generate Content). if we don't master the skill of the prompt engineering, our job will be replaced by other people who can master AIGC very well. As a matter of fact, I don't think the AI could replace anyone's job. People's job will be replaced by the people who mastered AIGC very well.

Bitpush: What are some advice you can share with people that are currently learning about crypto and Web 3 for people unfamiliar with the industry or hoping to learn more about the subject? 

Dr. Yu: For the people who are not familiar with Web3 yet, I would advise you that trying is the most important thing for any technology. Because you cannot understand all the technical principles at beginning, but you should just try. Sort of like how I pulled my first Bitcoin. It was around 2014, at that time, I was not familiar with Bitcoin's underlying technology very well. But after I got some BTC, I started attending some conferences and I started to read a lot of articles on websites. Then, gradually, I became an expert in Blockchain and Web 3.

However, as the second advice, you should never invest too much in this field, and you may start from a hundred dollars. That's enough. Because in this field, the crypto could be divided into really small portions, and you could try new applications using very small amount of money.

The third piece of advice I will give is that you should never leverage your portfolio. Just like the in the crypto field, the volatility is really high. So, if you use really high leverage, you'll be facing great danger. Maybe you think 1x or 2x leverage is safe, but as you can see in the past throughout history, the crypto price decrease of over 50% within one day is not very rare. So, if you use leverage, you may have your money become zero. It's really dangerous. The key factor people in the crypto field become rich is just to rely on the trend and manage the risk. If you are unaware of the risk and set up your own danger, you may lose everything.


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